Storyline of Submachine
Storyline of Submachine
I made this evening, a kinda storyline of the Submachine. All credit goes to the wiki since I copied 99% of the story from that place. Here it is.
The first mentions of Murtaugh are from a camping trip in Kent, where he first lost his arm. After losing it he somehow discovered a "third arm", which he called his karma arm. It had the ability to manipluate karma to create karma portals, which can transport a person to various segments of the subnet. Later Murtaugh stayed in the Winter Palace and began experimenting with his powers. These unrefined karma portals tore and distorted the palace and the South Garden. He neglected and downplayed these consequences as it was only one of the layers out of seven that was failing, and eventually most of the garden collapsed into the black void of the Subnet. Not much is known about Elizabeth, especially her early history, as most references to her in the early Submachine games are through references to Murtaugh. Elizabeth is generally viewed as a woman who was paritcularly skilled in space/time travel, though which methods she uses to achieve this are unknown. Other people in the Core thought that Murtaugh was a sociopath as he would only talk to Elizabeth. This was due to the fact he couldn't see them, but he could see Elizabeth. In the end, Murtaugh deserted the other people in the palace, and started a new life as a lighthouse keeper after traveling to the Root and then to the lighthouse. In the Kent lighthouse he was joined by a cat in October 1905. Murtaugh named him Einstein because he thought he had got in even though all doors and windows were shut, so he might have broken the time and space barrier. Whether this was true or just a result of Murtaugh's failing mental health remains to be confirmed. Murtaugh also tested his karma abilities in the lighthouse and found that he could transport to other yet unknown areas with the help of wisdom gems. Intrigued, he wished to create a portal that could send him out of the Core, and he contacted Elizabeth about this, asking if she could tend Einstein while he was away. She warned him that it would rip apart the fabric of the dimension and if he uses it he won't be able to return to the Core again. However, she did make a promise to take care of Einstein for Murtaugh, while he was away from the lighthouse. She then returned the cat to Layer 1, from where it originated. After five months, others got concerned for their safety and buried the lighthouse with Murtaugh in it. As Murtaugh had always been afraid of getting buried alive, he made the lighthouse portal and left the Core. In the end, when the people decided to bury the lighthouse with Murtaugh still in it, she could understand why they did it. Murtaugh had caused too many deaths by that point. At some point, Elizabeth had docked her ship in the ruins of Winter Palace, although she said she found it a bit ironic. She pondered how the area was built and why it had collapsed in the exact way it had. Elizabeth guessed that Murtaugh was getting near with intent to invade the Core, so she put up a notice in the Sanctuary to warn the player, and congratulated them on finding the location, which acts as passage to the Core. She also left notes where she apologized for not finding the player earlier. When Murtaugh invaded the Winter Palace, Elizabeth escaped via an escape pod from her ship. There she wrote a note, in which she apologized that she had to leave the Player in this dimension, but she had to warn the others. Elizabeth then traveled to layer 5 to warn the people Murtaugh was after. It seems she had succeeded, and the others managed to flee into the knot. Due to the massive amounts of unrefined karma portals being made at this time which aided in the creation of the lighthouse portal but caused the destruction of the Winter Palace and the Root main power generator, Murtaugh caused the Collapse, the event that led to uncontrolled spreading of submachines and created the Outer Rim. On December 12 of either 1906 or 2006 Murtaugh tested for entry points from the Outer Rim into the core, but failed. He planned on checking 291, because it seemed promising. One day later Einstein went missing yet again. It was mentioned that Murtaugh spent a full thirty-two years exploring. It was also mentioned that Murtaugh explored one third of mappable Subnet during his travels. Not much else of this time is known. It seems that this time of exploration came to an end after he found a group of scientists that were investigating the Submachine, whom he joined. He "showed the truth" to the Lab's original members and explained that there were many Submachines instead of just one. The Lab trained teams for exploring the Subnet, most - if not all - of which failed. However, Murtaugh taught them the necessity of leaving notes, which they were able to accomplish. It's known that Mur took the orb from the looping traps and gave it to the basement exploration team because it was their mission to break the Orb. They weren't successful because their coil had broken so Murtaugh came and took it back to the looping traps two days after the ancient section exploration team accidentally found the coordinates 551. In the end Murtaugh abandoned the original scientists. It is thought that they later died, either due to lack of resources away from the lab or being unable to remember the way back to the research bases from multiple unexplained cases of rapidly failing memory. Later Murtaugh tried accessing the Core by attempting to bypass the Edge's defense system created by the Submachine in response to the Collapse. Murtaugh rounded up scientists and leftover explorers to hack into the defense system and try to deactivate parts of it to weaken its defenses. At least five people were sent to do this task, but nobody succeeded or even returned, which was one of Murtaugh's deepest regrets. One of the ways that he tried collecting people for his efforts was by sending automated message to all of the computers in the dorms, much like the message that the player finds in Dorm 38C in Sub5. Murtaugh also backtracked and set up an automated message system in the original lab locations that connected to places like the ancient section. That way, he could be contacted by other people like the player during Submachine 4: The Lab. He woudl then send the person a list of locations and left the player to explore, all in an automated string of messages and commands. The success of the players' exploration efforts would then lead to their transport to the dorms, where they would then be lead further by more automated messages. Murtaugh gave missions to the people which included the collection of wisdom gems to power movers to take to the edge. Somehow Murtaugh was also able to hack into the system enough to leave more automated messages for the player to find in the Edge. The whole time, Murtaugh made the people feel as if their purpose was to explore as much of the area as possible", although this was just a lie, and the true mission was to use them to disable the defense system, as he had planned for the original five subjects. He later sent a message to the Edge, which contained the details of the actual mission, although he had no faith that the player would actually succeed. When the defense system was finally disabled for the first time, Murtaugh left the message chain in the system for others to find and continue to deactivate the defense systems should a reboot take place. This is what the player experienced in Sub6. At the end of each deactivation sequence, he confessed that the Player's "adventure ended there" and said goodbye. This is presumably where most of the explorers were left to die, except for the player who was able to escape. After the DS was deactivated, a window of exposure left Murtaugh and a personal team of close followers to access the border of the Core, located in the sanctuary. They set up offensive lines in expectation of a resistance by people who were either living in or trapped inside the Winter Palace. Presumably, Murtaugh's offensive lines took the Palace by force, as evidenced by the bullet holes in Liz's ship. It was probably not known at the time by Mur's helpers that Elizabeth was in the Palace when Mur arrived, so they probably viewed her as an enemy and shot at her while she tried to escape, which she succeeded in doing. Murtaugh, through an unexplained method, knew that Elizabeth was trying to access a certain area that could only be reached by the fifth layer. The fifth layer contained individuals who had buried the lighthouse. Before that he created a giant multi-layer karma portal, but then changed his mind during transit and ended up elsewhere, buying time for the fifth-layer individuals to prepare. According to Elizabeth, Murtaugh was originally going to get his revenge on those who dwelt within the fifth layer. However, after arriving at the Knot where all the layers joined up (and the only place where Murtaugh would be able to be properly captured and possibly killed) Murtaugh finally realized the scope of the destruction he had caused and halted his efforts. After this Elizabeth became known as the Healer, the Mother and the Merciful, as depicted on her tomb. He understood his mistake and fell to his knees, as Elizabeth comforted him. By doing this she warded off the attack planned for Murtaugh to be shot at gunpoint. Elizabeth explained Murtaugh's behavior to others and somehow a religion grew around them.He spent the rest of his life attempting to repair the damage he had caused in the karma studies facility. However, there was an issue: the damage caused within the third layer could not be undone. This would haunt Murtaugh until his death, because this was the native layer he and Elizabeth came from. Liz reassured him that, in addition to his repair efforts, the subnet was also trying to rebuild itself at the same time. Elizabeth maintained contact with Murtaugh after he returned to the karma studies facility to find ways to undo the damage done by karma portals. She acted as a "ground" for reality for him, reminding him of the nature of the Submachine and how it too was trying to heal itself. Liz frequently reminded Murtaugh that he was only a part of the entire creation and therefore could not fix everything himself. She also made plans to meet with Murtaugh at the shrine regularly. Even though Murtaugh had seemingly caused so many problems, both he and Elizabeth were honored after their reconciliation and praised for their efforts to restore the subnet. At some point, Mur found a way to exit the subnet through the lighthouse to the desert. He then either discovered or built a shrine in the desert, to which he made regular visits there every 32 years (or at least, what was perceived to be 32 years by others. Murtaugh is assumed to have some sort of control of the flow of time in certain layers due to his abilities). It is known that Sunshine_bunnygirl_17 entered the subnet and presumably traveled from the rooftop to the bottom floor of the research base. From there she traveled to the ancient section and picked up a coil. She then jumped to the brick room and left a note there, as she had seen others do the same. Her note paper is colored pink. Sunshine_bunnygirl_17 stated that she was confused as to where to put the coil. She cried out for help as she began to tire in her journey. Eventually, Murtaugh found her and rescued her, taking her outside of the Submachine. She now takes care of Einstein in the desert when Murtaugh is not around. At one of these meetings she and Murtaugh met the player. Murtaugh eventually succeeded in making a karma stabiliser to restore karma portals to their original state. After dying shortly afterwards, Elizabeth spread his knowledge of karma to anyone she could reach. At some point in his healing journey, Murtaugh found his tomb and Liz's as well in his time-traveling. This gave him comfort of the future and eased his conscience, convincing him that his work would not be condemned. Upon his passing, the tomb was erected in the temple for him. After many years of carrying his message, Elizabeth was also placed there after she passed away, and their tombs were finally sealed. Elizabeth eventually died as well and was buried in the temple, alongside Murtaugh, where she is believed to reside in the light of Shiva. Whenever Murtaugh and Elizabeth are not taking care of Einstein, Einstein is taken care of by sunshine_bunnygirl_17
The first mentions of Murtaugh are from a camping trip in Kent, where he first lost his arm. After losing it he somehow discovered a "third arm", which he called his karma arm. It had the ability to manipluate karma to create karma portals, which can transport a person to various segments of the subnet. Later Murtaugh stayed in the Winter Palace and began experimenting with his powers. These unrefined karma portals tore and distorted the palace and the South Garden. He neglected and downplayed these consequences as it was only one of the layers out of seven that was failing, and eventually most of the garden collapsed into the black void of the Subnet. Not much is known about Elizabeth, especially her early history, as most references to her in the early Submachine games are through references to Murtaugh. Elizabeth is generally viewed as a woman who was paritcularly skilled in space/time travel, though which methods she uses to achieve this are unknown. Other people in the Core thought that Murtaugh was a sociopath as he would only talk to Elizabeth. This was due to the fact he couldn't see them, but he could see Elizabeth. In the end, Murtaugh deserted the other people in the palace, and started a new life as a lighthouse keeper after traveling to the Root and then to the lighthouse. In the Kent lighthouse he was joined by a cat in October 1905. Murtaugh named him Einstein because he thought he had got in even though all doors and windows were shut, so he might have broken the time and space barrier. Whether this was true or just a result of Murtaugh's failing mental health remains to be confirmed. Murtaugh also tested his karma abilities in the lighthouse and found that he could transport to other yet unknown areas with the help of wisdom gems. Intrigued, he wished to create a portal that could send him out of the Core, and he contacted Elizabeth about this, asking if she could tend Einstein while he was away. She warned him that it would rip apart the fabric of the dimension and if he uses it he won't be able to return to the Core again. However, she did make a promise to take care of Einstein for Murtaugh, while he was away from the lighthouse. She then returned the cat to Layer 1, from where it originated. After five months, others got concerned for their safety and buried the lighthouse with Murtaugh in it. As Murtaugh had always been afraid of getting buried alive, he made the lighthouse portal and left the Core. In the end, when the people decided to bury the lighthouse with Murtaugh still in it, she could understand why they did it. Murtaugh had caused too many deaths by that point. At some point, Elizabeth had docked her ship in the ruins of Winter Palace, although she said she found it a bit ironic. She pondered how the area was built and why it had collapsed in the exact way it had. Elizabeth guessed that Murtaugh was getting near with intent to invade the Core, so she put up a notice in the Sanctuary to warn the player, and congratulated them on finding the location, which acts as passage to the Core. She also left notes where she apologized for not finding the player earlier. When Murtaugh invaded the Winter Palace, Elizabeth escaped via an escape pod from her ship. There she wrote a note, in which she apologized that she had to leave the Player in this dimension, but she had to warn the others. Elizabeth then traveled to layer 5 to warn the people Murtaugh was after. It seems she had succeeded, and the others managed to flee into the knot. Due to the massive amounts of unrefined karma portals being made at this time which aided in the creation of the lighthouse portal but caused the destruction of the Winter Palace and the Root main power generator, Murtaugh caused the Collapse, the event that led to uncontrolled spreading of submachines and created the Outer Rim. On December 12 of either 1906 or 2006 Murtaugh tested for entry points from the Outer Rim into the core, but failed. He planned on checking 291, because it seemed promising. One day later Einstein went missing yet again. It was mentioned that Murtaugh spent a full thirty-two years exploring. It was also mentioned that Murtaugh explored one third of mappable Subnet during his travels. Not much else of this time is known. It seems that this time of exploration came to an end after he found a group of scientists that were investigating the Submachine, whom he joined. He "showed the truth" to the Lab's original members and explained that there were many Submachines instead of just one. The Lab trained teams for exploring the Subnet, most - if not all - of which failed. However, Murtaugh taught them the necessity of leaving notes, which they were able to accomplish. It's known that Mur took the orb from the looping traps and gave it to the basement exploration team because it was their mission to break the Orb. They weren't successful because their coil had broken so Murtaugh came and took it back to the looping traps two days after the ancient section exploration team accidentally found the coordinates 551. In the end Murtaugh abandoned the original scientists. It is thought that they later died, either due to lack of resources away from the lab or being unable to remember the way back to the research bases from multiple unexplained cases of rapidly failing memory. Later Murtaugh tried accessing the Core by attempting to bypass the Edge's defense system created by the Submachine in response to the Collapse. Murtaugh rounded up scientists and leftover explorers to hack into the defense system and try to deactivate parts of it to weaken its defenses. At least five people were sent to do this task, but nobody succeeded or even returned, which was one of Murtaugh's deepest regrets. One of the ways that he tried collecting people for his efforts was by sending automated message to all of the computers in the dorms, much like the message that the player finds in Dorm 38C in Sub5. Murtaugh also backtracked and set up an automated message system in the original lab locations that connected to places like the ancient section. That way, he could be contacted by other people like the player during Submachine 4: The Lab. He woudl then send the person a list of locations and left the player to explore, all in an automated string of messages and commands. The success of the players' exploration efforts would then lead to their transport to the dorms, where they would then be lead further by more automated messages. Murtaugh gave missions to the people which included the collection of wisdom gems to power movers to take to the edge. Somehow Murtaugh was also able to hack into the system enough to leave more automated messages for the player to find in the Edge. The whole time, Murtaugh made the people feel as if their purpose was to explore as much of the area as possible", although this was just a lie, and the true mission was to use them to disable the defense system, as he had planned for the original five subjects. He later sent a message to the Edge, which contained the details of the actual mission, although he had no faith that the player would actually succeed. When the defense system was finally disabled for the first time, Murtaugh left the message chain in the system for others to find and continue to deactivate the defense systems should a reboot take place. This is what the player experienced in Sub6. At the end of each deactivation sequence, he confessed that the Player's "adventure ended there" and said goodbye. This is presumably where most of the explorers were left to die, except for the player who was able to escape. After the DS was deactivated, a window of exposure left Murtaugh and a personal team of close followers to access the border of the Core, located in the sanctuary. They set up offensive lines in expectation of a resistance by people who were either living in or trapped inside the Winter Palace. Presumably, Murtaugh's offensive lines took the Palace by force, as evidenced by the bullet holes in Liz's ship. It was probably not known at the time by Mur's helpers that Elizabeth was in the Palace when Mur arrived, so they probably viewed her as an enemy and shot at her while she tried to escape, which she succeeded in doing. Murtaugh, through an unexplained method, knew that Elizabeth was trying to access a certain area that could only be reached by the fifth layer. The fifth layer contained individuals who had buried the lighthouse. Before that he created a giant multi-layer karma portal, but then changed his mind during transit and ended up elsewhere, buying time for the fifth-layer individuals to prepare. According to Elizabeth, Murtaugh was originally going to get his revenge on those who dwelt within the fifth layer. However, after arriving at the Knot where all the layers joined up (and the only place where Murtaugh would be able to be properly captured and possibly killed) Murtaugh finally realized the scope of the destruction he had caused and halted his efforts. After this Elizabeth became known as the Healer, the Mother and the Merciful, as depicted on her tomb. He understood his mistake and fell to his knees, as Elizabeth comforted him. By doing this she warded off the attack planned for Murtaugh to be shot at gunpoint. Elizabeth explained Murtaugh's behavior to others and somehow a religion grew around them.He spent the rest of his life attempting to repair the damage he had caused in the karma studies facility. However, there was an issue: the damage caused within the third layer could not be undone. This would haunt Murtaugh until his death, because this was the native layer he and Elizabeth came from. Liz reassured him that, in addition to his repair efforts, the subnet was also trying to rebuild itself at the same time. Elizabeth maintained contact with Murtaugh after he returned to the karma studies facility to find ways to undo the damage done by karma portals. She acted as a "ground" for reality for him, reminding him of the nature of the Submachine and how it too was trying to heal itself. Liz frequently reminded Murtaugh that he was only a part of the entire creation and therefore could not fix everything himself. She also made plans to meet with Murtaugh at the shrine regularly. Even though Murtaugh had seemingly caused so many problems, both he and Elizabeth were honored after their reconciliation and praised for their efforts to restore the subnet. At some point, Mur found a way to exit the subnet through the lighthouse to the desert. He then either discovered or built a shrine in the desert, to which he made regular visits there every 32 years (or at least, what was perceived to be 32 years by others. Murtaugh is assumed to have some sort of control of the flow of time in certain layers due to his abilities). It is known that Sunshine_bunnygirl_17 entered the subnet and presumably traveled from the rooftop to the bottom floor of the research base. From there she traveled to the ancient section and picked up a coil. She then jumped to the brick room and left a note there, as she had seen others do the same. Her note paper is colored pink. Sunshine_bunnygirl_17 stated that she was confused as to where to put the coil. She cried out for help as she began to tire in her journey. Eventually, Murtaugh found her and rescued her, taking her outside of the Submachine. She now takes care of Einstein in the desert when Murtaugh is not around. At one of these meetings she and Murtaugh met the player. Murtaugh eventually succeeded in making a karma stabiliser to restore karma portals to their original state. After dying shortly afterwards, Elizabeth spread his knowledge of karma to anyone she could reach. At some point in his healing journey, Murtaugh found his tomb and Liz's as well in his time-traveling. This gave him comfort of the future and eased his conscience, convincing him that his work would not be condemned. Upon his passing, the tomb was erected in the temple for him. After many years of carrying his message, Elizabeth was also placed there after she passed away, and their tombs were finally sealed. Elizabeth eventually died as well and was buried in the temple, alongside Murtaugh, where she is believed to reside in the light of Shiva. Whenever Murtaugh and Elizabeth are not taking care of Einstein, Einstein is taken care of by sunshine_bunnygirl_17
- Sublevel 114
- layer restorer
- Posts: 16587
- Joined: 11 Dec 2012 20:23
Re: Storyline of Submachine
it would be better to read if you break it in paragraphs
Re: Storyline of Submachine
Ehm sorry.
- RockyOceanK
- subbot maintenance
- Posts: 194
- Joined: 07 Jul 2016 01:05
- Location: Daymere town's Library
Re: Storyline of Submachine
Want me to edit it? (rewrite it again fixing mistakes and stuff)? Nice to have the storyline all in altogether,btw. 

I hit rock bottom
Re: Storyline of Submachine
If you want to. I just copied it from the wiki. It would be awesome 

- RockyOceanK
- subbot maintenance
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- Joined: 07 Jul 2016 01:05
- Location: Daymere town's Library
Re: Storyline of Submachine

- RockyOceanK
- subbot maintenance
- Posts: 194
- Joined: 07 Jul 2016 01:05
- Location: Daymere town's Library
Re: Storyline of Submachine
Here it is! Polished and shiny..only with a few additions,I hope it's okay.
Basic storyline of Submachine.
The first mentions of Murtaugh are from a camping trip in Kent, where he first lost his arm. After losing it he somehow discovered a "third arm", which he called his karma arm. It had the ability to manipulate karma to create karma portals, which can transport a person to various segments of the subnet. Later Murtaugh stayed in the Winter Palace and began experimenting with his powers. These unrefined karma portals tore and distorted the palace and the South Garden. He neglected and downplayed these consequences as it was only one of the layers out of seven that was failing, and eventually most of the garden collapsed into the black void of the Subnet.
In the end, Murtaugh deserted the other people in the palace, and started a new life as a lighthouse keeper after traveling to the Root and then to the lighthouse. In the Kent lighthouse he was joined by a cat in October 1905. Murtaugh named him Einstein because he thought he had got in even though all doors and windows were shut, so he might have broken the time and space barrier. Whether this was true or just a result of Murtaugh's failing mental health remains to be confirmed. It is shown that Einstein would very often leave the lighthouse, something that bothered his owner. Murtaugh also tested his karma abilities in the lighthouse and found that he could transport to other yet unknown areas with the help of wisdom gems. Intrigued, he wished to create a portal that could send him out of the Core, and he contacted Elizabeth about this, asking if she could tend Einstein while he was away. She warned him that it would rip apart the fabric of the dimension and if he uses it he won't be able to return to the Core again. However, she did make a promise to take care of Einstein for Murtaugh, while he was away from the lighthouse. She then returned the cat to Layer 1, from where it originated.
On December 12 of either 1906 or 2006 Murtaugh tested for entry points from the Outer Rim into the core, but failed. He planned on checking 291(Sanctuary), because it seemed promising. One day later Einstein went missing yet again.
After five months, others got concerned for their safety and buried the lighthouse with Murtaugh in it. As Murtaugh had always been afraid of getting buried alive, he made the lighthouse portal and eventually left the Core. Due to the massive amounts of unrefined karma portals being made at this time which aided in the creation of the lighthouse portal but caused the destruction of the Winter Palace and the Root main power generator, Murtaugh caused the Collapse, the event that led to uncontrolled spreading of submachines and created the Outer Rim.
Not much is known about Elizabeth, especially her early history, as most references to her in the early Submachine games are through references to Murtaugh. Elizabeth is generally viewed as a woman who was particularly skilled in space/time travel, though which methods she uses to achieve this are unknown. Other people in the Core thought that Murtaugh was a sociopath as he would only talk to Elizabeth. This was due to the fact he couldn't see them, but he could only see Elizabeth. When the people decided to bury the lighthouse with Murtaugh still in it, Elizabeth could understand why they did it. Murtaugh had caused too many deaths by that point.
It was mentioned that Murtaugh spent a full thirty-two years exploring. It was also mentioned that Murtaugh explored one third of Subnet during his travels. Not much else of this time is known. It seems that this time of exploration came to an end after he found a group of scientists that were investigating the Submachine, whom he joined. He "showed the truth" to the Lab's original members and explained that there were many Submachines instead of just one. Then the Lab scientists trained teams for exploring the Subnet, most - if not all - of which failed. However, Murtaugh taught them the necessity of leaving notes, which they were able to accomplish.
Most of these notes are seen by the player in Sub4.The player also explores areas that were visited by four of the lab’s exploring teams.
The teams were named after where they were sent to explore. With names such as: the ancient section team, the basement section team, the looping traps section team, the tomb section team (which is believed to be only one member) and the ship section team.
It's known that Murtaugh took the orb from the looping traps and gave it to the basement exploration team because it was their mission to break the Orb. They weren't successful because their coil had broken so Murtaugh came and took it back to the looping traps two days after the ancient section exploration team accidentally found the coordinates 551(Sub 4,SNEE coordinates). One of the people of the ancient section team forgot to charge their power coil and the team had lost the coordinates list to find their way back to the lab’s HQ. So, they started ‘blind jumping’ in order to find other areas and maybe help. The person exploring the tomb got lost inside the building and wandered around in 32 chambers filled with sand (Also seen in Submachine:32 chambers game),while running out of water and loosing his/her memories because he/she forgot to leave notes. As for the ship section team, their mission was to get to the upper deck of the ship and inspect it, however after failed efforts they decided to blow up the entrance and check it later, if they had survived, but it seems they didn’t.
In the end Murtaugh abandoned the original scientists. It is thought that they later died, either due to lack of resources away from the lab or being unable to remember the way back to the research bases from multiple unexplained cases of rapidly failing memory.
Later he tried accessing the Core by attempting to bypass the Edge's defense system created by the Submachine in response to the Collapse. Murtaugh rounded up scientists and leftover explorers to hack into the defense system and try to deactivate parts of it to weaken its defenses. At least five people were sent to do this task, but nobody succeeded or even returned, which was one of Murtaugh's deepest regrets.
One of the ways that he tried collecting people for his efforts was by sending automated message to all of the computers in the dorms, much like the message that the player finds in Dorm 38C in Sub5. Also, he backtracked and set up an automated message system in the original lab locations that connected to places like the ancient section. That way, he could be contacted by other people like the player during Submachine 4: The Lab. He would then send the person a list of locations and left the player to explore, all in an automated string of messages and commands. The success of the players' exploration efforts would then lead to their transport to the dorms, where they would then be lead further by more automated messages.
Murtaugh gave missions to the people which included the collection of wisdom gems to power movers to take to the edge. Somehow Murtaugh was also able to hack into the system enough to leave more automated messages for the player to find in the Edge. The whole time, Murtaugh made the people feel as if their purpose was to explore as much of the area as possible", although this was just a lie, and the true mission was to use them to disable the defense system, as he had planned for the original five subjects.
He then sent a message to the Edge, which contained the details of the actual mission, although he had no faith that the player would actually succeed. When the defense system was finally disabled for the first time, Murtaugh left the message chain in the system for others to find and continue to deactivate the defense systems should a reboot take place. This is what the player experienced in Sub6. At the end of each deactivation sequence, he confessed that the Player's "adventure ended there" and said goodbye. This is presumably where most of the explorers were left to die, except for the player who was able to escape and go the winter palace in the Core. After the DS was deactivated, a window of exposure left Murtaugh and a personal team of close followers to access the border of the Core, located in the sanctuary. They set up offensive lines in expectation of a resistance by people who were either living in or trapped inside the Winter Palace. Presumably, Murtaugh's offensive lines took the Palace by force, as evidenced by the bullet holes in Liz's ship.
At some point, Elizabeth had docked her ship in the ruins of Winter Palace (Sub7). She pondered how the area was built and why it had collapsed in the exact way it had. Although, she said she found it a bit ironic for her to be there. That was because she guessed that Murtaugh was getting near with intent to invade the Core, so she put up a notice in the Sanctuary to warn anyone coming(the player) and congratulating them on finding the location, which acts as passage to the Core, as seen in SNEE (coordinates 291). She also left notes where she apologized for not finding the player earlier. When Murtaugh invaded the Winter Palace, Elizabeth escaped via an escape pod from her ship. There she wrote a note, in which she apologized that she had to leave the Player in this dimension, but she had to warn the others, meaning the people who buried the lighthouse with Murtaugh inside. Elizabeth then traveled to layer 5 (See Sub7, 8) to warn these people as Murtaugh was after them. It seems she had succeeded, and the others managed to flee into the knot (See Sub9).
It was probably not known at the time by Mur's helpers that Elizabeth was in the Palace when Mur arrived, so they probably viewed her as an enemy and shot at her while she tried to escape, which she succeeded in doing. Murtaugh, through an unexplained method, knew that Elizabeth was trying to access a certain area that could only be reached by the fifth layer. The fifth layer contained individuals who had buried the lighthouse. Before that he created a giant multi-layer karma portal, but then changed his mind during transit and ended up elsewhere, buying time for the fifth-layer individuals to prepare. They also moved to the knot and set up an attack plan for Murtaugh when he would get there.
According to Elizabeth, Murtaugh was originally going to get his revenge on those who dwelt within the fifth layer. However, after arriving at the Knot where all the layers joined up (and the only place where Murtaugh would be able to be properly captured and possibly killed) Murtaugh finally realized the scope of the destruction he had caused and halted his efforts. He understood his mistake and fell to his knees, as Elizabeth comforted him. By doing this she warded off the attack planned for Murtaugh to be shot at gunpoint. After this Elizabeth became known as the Healer, the Mother and the Merciful, as depicted on her tomb. Elizabeth explained Murtaugh's behavior to others and somehow a religion grew around them.
Murtaugh spent the rest of his life attempting to repair the damage he had caused in the karma studies facility. However, there was an issue: the damage caused within the third layer could not be undone. This would haunt Murtaugh until his death, because this was the native layer he and Elizabeth came from. Murtaugh eventually succeeded in making a karma stabilizer to restore karma portals to their original state. Elizabeth reassured him that, in addition to his repair efforts, the subnet was also trying to rebuild itself at the same time. She maintained contact with Murtaugh after he returned to the karma studies facility to find ways to undo the damage done by karma portals. She acted as a "ground" for reality for him, reminding him of the nature of the Submachine and how it too was trying to heal itself.
Liz frequently reminded Murtaugh that he was only a part of the entire creation and therefore could not fix everything himself. She also made plans to meet with Murtaugh at the shrine regularly. Even though Murtaugh had seemingly caused so many problems, both he and Elizabeth were honored after their reconciliation and praised for their efforts to restore the subnet.
It is known that a person named Sunshine_bunnygirl_17 entered the subnet and presumably traveled from the rooftop to the bottom floor of the research base. From there she traveled to the ancient section and picked up a coil. She then jumped to the brick room and left a note there, as she had seen others do the same. Her note paper is colored pink. Sunshine_bunnygirl_17 stated that she was confused as to where to put the coil. She cried out for help as she began to tire in her journey. Eventually, Murtaugh found her and rescued her, taking her outside of the Submachine. She now takes care of Einstein in the desert when Murtaugh is not around.
At some point, Mur found a way to exit the subnet through the lighthouse to the desert. He then either discovered or built a shrine in the desert, to which he made regular visits there every 32 years (or at least, what was perceived to be 32 years by others. Murtaugh is assumed to have some sort of control of the flow of time in certain layers due to his abilities). Whenever Murtaugh and Elizabeth are not taking care of Einstein, Einstein is taken care of by sunshine_bunnygirl_17.At one of his visits, Murtaugh and Elizabeth met the player.
After Murtaugh dying shortly afterwards, Elizabeth spread his knowledge of karma to anyone she could reach. At some point in his healing journey, Murtaugh found his tomb and Liz's as well in his time-traveling. This gave him comfort of the future and eased his conscience, convincing him that his work would not be condemned. Upon his passing, the tomb was erected in the temple for him. After many years of carrying his message, Elizabeth was also placed there after she passed away, and their tombs were finally sealed. Elizabeth eventually died as well and was buried in the temple, alongside Murtaugh, where she is believed to reside in the light of Shiva.

Basic storyline of Submachine.
The first mentions of Murtaugh are from a camping trip in Kent, where he first lost his arm. After losing it he somehow discovered a "third arm", which he called his karma arm. It had the ability to manipulate karma to create karma portals, which can transport a person to various segments of the subnet. Later Murtaugh stayed in the Winter Palace and began experimenting with his powers. These unrefined karma portals tore and distorted the palace and the South Garden. He neglected and downplayed these consequences as it was only one of the layers out of seven that was failing, and eventually most of the garden collapsed into the black void of the Subnet.
In the end, Murtaugh deserted the other people in the palace, and started a new life as a lighthouse keeper after traveling to the Root and then to the lighthouse. In the Kent lighthouse he was joined by a cat in October 1905. Murtaugh named him Einstein because he thought he had got in even though all doors and windows were shut, so he might have broken the time and space barrier. Whether this was true or just a result of Murtaugh's failing mental health remains to be confirmed. It is shown that Einstein would very often leave the lighthouse, something that bothered his owner. Murtaugh also tested his karma abilities in the lighthouse and found that he could transport to other yet unknown areas with the help of wisdom gems. Intrigued, he wished to create a portal that could send him out of the Core, and he contacted Elizabeth about this, asking if she could tend Einstein while he was away. She warned him that it would rip apart the fabric of the dimension and if he uses it he won't be able to return to the Core again. However, she did make a promise to take care of Einstein for Murtaugh, while he was away from the lighthouse. She then returned the cat to Layer 1, from where it originated.
On December 12 of either 1906 or 2006 Murtaugh tested for entry points from the Outer Rim into the core, but failed. He planned on checking 291(Sanctuary), because it seemed promising. One day later Einstein went missing yet again.
After five months, others got concerned for their safety and buried the lighthouse with Murtaugh in it. As Murtaugh had always been afraid of getting buried alive, he made the lighthouse portal and eventually left the Core. Due to the massive amounts of unrefined karma portals being made at this time which aided in the creation of the lighthouse portal but caused the destruction of the Winter Palace and the Root main power generator, Murtaugh caused the Collapse, the event that led to uncontrolled spreading of submachines and created the Outer Rim.
Not much is known about Elizabeth, especially her early history, as most references to her in the early Submachine games are through references to Murtaugh. Elizabeth is generally viewed as a woman who was particularly skilled in space/time travel, though which methods she uses to achieve this are unknown. Other people in the Core thought that Murtaugh was a sociopath as he would only talk to Elizabeth. This was due to the fact he couldn't see them, but he could only see Elizabeth. When the people decided to bury the lighthouse with Murtaugh still in it, Elizabeth could understand why they did it. Murtaugh had caused too many deaths by that point.
It was mentioned that Murtaugh spent a full thirty-two years exploring. It was also mentioned that Murtaugh explored one third of Subnet during his travels. Not much else of this time is known. It seems that this time of exploration came to an end after he found a group of scientists that were investigating the Submachine, whom he joined. He "showed the truth" to the Lab's original members and explained that there were many Submachines instead of just one. Then the Lab scientists trained teams for exploring the Subnet, most - if not all - of which failed. However, Murtaugh taught them the necessity of leaving notes, which they were able to accomplish.
Most of these notes are seen by the player in Sub4.The player also explores areas that were visited by four of the lab’s exploring teams.
The teams were named after where they were sent to explore. With names such as: the ancient section team, the basement section team, the looping traps section team, the tomb section team (which is believed to be only one member) and the ship section team.
It's known that Murtaugh took the orb from the looping traps and gave it to the basement exploration team because it was their mission to break the Orb. They weren't successful because their coil had broken so Murtaugh came and took it back to the looping traps two days after the ancient section exploration team accidentally found the coordinates 551(Sub 4,SNEE coordinates). One of the people of the ancient section team forgot to charge their power coil and the team had lost the coordinates list to find their way back to the lab’s HQ. So, they started ‘blind jumping’ in order to find other areas and maybe help. The person exploring the tomb got lost inside the building and wandered around in 32 chambers filled with sand (Also seen in Submachine:32 chambers game),while running out of water and loosing his/her memories because he/she forgot to leave notes. As for the ship section team, their mission was to get to the upper deck of the ship and inspect it, however after failed efforts they decided to blow up the entrance and check it later, if they had survived, but it seems they didn’t.
In the end Murtaugh abandoned the original scientists. It is thought that they later died, either due to lack of resources away from the lab or being unable to remember the way back to the research bases from multiple unexplained cases of rapidly failing memory.
Later he tried accessing the Core by attempting to bypass the Edge's defense system created by the Submachine in response to the Collapse. Murtaugh rounded up scientists and leftover explorers to hack into the defense system and try to deactivate parts of it to weaken its defenses. At least five people were sent to do this task, but nobody succeeded or even returned, which was one of Murtaugh's deepest regrets.
One of the ways that he tried collecting people for his efforts was by sending automated message to all of the computers in the dorms, much like the message that the player finds in Dorm 38C in Sub5. Also, he backtracked and set up an automated message system in the original lab locations that connected to places like the ancient section. That way, he could be contacted by other people like the player during Submachine 4: The Lab. He would then send the person a list of locations and left the player to explore, all in an automated string of messages and commands. The success of the players' exploration efforts would then lead to their transport to the dorms, where they would then be lead further by more automated messages.
Murtaugh gave missions to the people which included the collection of wisdom gems to power movers to take to the edge. Somehow Murtaugh was also able to hack into the system enough to leave more automated messages for the player to find in the Edge. The whole time, Murtaugh made the people feel as if their purpose was to explore as much of the area as possible", although this was just a lie, and the true mission was to use them to disable the defense system, as he had planned for the original five subjects.
He then sent a message to the Edge, which contained the details of the actual mission, although he had no faith that the player would actually succeed. When the defense system was finally disabled for the first time, Murtaugh left the message chain in the system for others to find and continue to deactivate the defense systems should a reboot take place. This is what the player experienced in Sub6. At the end of each deactivation sequence, he confessed that the Player's "adventure ended there" and said goodbye. This is presumably where most of the explorers were left to die, except for the player who was able to escape and go the winter palace in the Core. After the DS was deactivated, a window of exposure left Murtaugh and a personal team of close followers to access the border of the Core, located in the sanctuary. They set up offensive lines in expectation of a resistance by people who were either living in or trapped inside the Winter Palace. Presumably, Murtaugh's offensive lines took the Palace by force, as evidenced by the bullet holes in Liz's ship.
At some point, Elizabeth had docked her ship in the ruins of Winter Palace (Sub7). She pondered how the area was built and why it had collapsed in the exact way it had. Although, she said she found it a bit ironic for her to be there. That was because she guessed that Murtaugh was getting near with intent to invade the Core, so she put up a notice in the Sanctuary to warn anyone coming(the player) and congratulating them on finding the location, which acts as passage to the Core, as seen in SNEE (coordinates 291). She also left notes where she apologized for not finding the player earlier. When Murtaugh invaded the Winter Palace, Elizabeth escaped via an escape pod from her ship. There she wrote a note, in which she apologized that she had to leave the Player in this dimension, but she had to warn the others, meaning the people who buried the lighthouse with Murtaugh inside. Elizabeth then traveled to layer 5 (See Sub7, 8) to warn these people as Murtaugh was after them. It seems she had succeeded, and the others managed to flee into the knot (See Sub9).
It was probably not known at the time by Mur's helpers that Elizabeth was in the Palace when Mur arrived, so they probably viewed her as an enemy and shot at her while she tried to escape, which she succeeded in doing. Murtaugh, through an unexplained method, knew that Elizabeth was trying to access a certain area that could only be reached by the fifth layer. The fifth layer contained individuals who had buried the lighthouse. Before that he created a giant multi-layer karma portal, but then changed his mind during transit and ended up elsewhere, buying time for the fifth-layer individuals to prepare. They also moved to the knot and set up an attack plan for Murtaugh when he would get there.
According to Elizabeth, Murtaugh was originally going to get his revenge on those who dwelt within the fifth layer. However, after arriving at the Knot where all the layers joined up (and the only place where Murtaugh would be able to be properly captured and possibly killed) Murtaugh finally realized the scope of the destruction he had caused and halted his efforts. He understood his mistake and fell to his knees, as Elizabeth comforted him. By doing this she warded off the attack planned for Murtaugh to be shot at gunpoint. After this Elizabeth became known as the Healer, the Mother and the Merciful, as depicted on her tomb. Elizabeth explained Murtaugh's behavior to others and somehow a religion grew around them.
Murtaugh spent the rest of his life attempting to repair the damage he had caused in the karma studies facility. However, there was an issue: the damage caused within the third layer could not be undone. This would haunt Murtaugh until his death, because this was the native layer he and Elizabeth came from. Murtaugh eventually succeeded in making a karma stabilizer to restore karma portals to their original state. Elizabeth reassured him that, in addition to his repair efforts, the subnet was also trying to rebuild itself at the same time. She maintained contact with Murtaugh after he returned to the karma studies facility to find ways to undo the damage done by karma portals. She acted as a "ground" for reality for him, reminding him of the nature of the Submachine and how it too was trying to heal itself.
Liz frequently reminded Murtaugh that he was only a part of the entire creation and therefore could not fix everything himself. She also made plans to meet with Murtaugh at the shrine regularly. Even though Murtaugh had seemingly caused so many problems, both he and Elizabeth were honored after their reconciliation and praised for their efforts to restore the subnet.
It is known that a person named Sunshine_bunnygirl_17 entered the subnet and presumably traveled from the rooftop to the bottom floor of the research base. From there she traveled to the ancient section and picked up a coil. She then jumped to the brick room and left a note there, as she had seen others do the same. Her note paper is colored pink. Sunshine_bunnygirl_17 stated that she was confused as to where to put the coil. She cried out for help as she began to tire in her journey. Eventually, Murtaugh found her and rescued her, taking her outside of the Submachine. She now takes care of Einstein in the desert when Murtaugh is not around.
At some point, Mur found a way to exit the subnet through the lighthouse to the desert. He then either discovered or built a shrine in the desert, to which he made regular visits there every 32 years (or at least, what was perceived to be 32 years by others. Murtaugh is assumed to have some sort of control of the flow of time in certain layers due to his abilities). Whenever Murtaugh and Elizabeth are not taking care of Einstein, Einstein is taken care of by sunshine_bunnygirl_17.At one of his visits, Murtaugh and Elizabeth met the player.
After Murtaugh dying shortly afterwards, Elizabeth spread his knowledge of karma to anyone she could reach. At some point in his healing journey, Murtaugh found his tomb and Liz's as well in his time-traveling. This gave him comfort of the future and eased his conscience, convincing him that his work would not be condemned. Upon his passing, the tomb was erected in the temple for him. After many years of carrying his message, Elizabeth was also placed there after she passed away, and their tombs were finally sealed. Elizabeth eventually died as well and was buried in the temple, alongside Murtaugh, where she is believed to reside in the light of Shiva.
I hit rock bottom
- RockyOceanK
- subbot maintenance
- Posts: 194
- Joined: 07 Jul 2016 01:05
- Location: Daymere town's Library
Re: Storyline of Submachine
Well,I didn't really rewrite it,I actually copied your post and put it in paragraphs. And added some things here and there to look more connected. :/
I still hope it's ok
I still hope it's ok
I hit rock bottom
- Sublevel 114
- layer restorer
- Posts: 16587
- Joined: 11 Dec 2012 20:23
Re: Storyline of Submachine
someday I will complete my great last Submachine research project, and all things will be clear
I hope...
I hope...