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A' L L U K I N - chapter 6

Posted: 28 Dec 2012 06:03
by - ak -
----> login A - successful
----> login K - successful
----> run program_ALKN


  • - You can post COMMAND by stating the CHARACTER'S NAME with any actions you wish to input.

    - You can open and view INVENTORY. Just type in INVENTORY. Easy as that!

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    (note - some items can be combined. Experiment if needed)
  • -The story is FREE to all who join, no sign-up needed.

    - It may take few minutes to read COMMANDS and post the next STORY SEQUENCE pictures and logs (depending on my availability). Also note that the story is a multi-days affair and may take a while to finish each chapter. Patience is politely requested.

    - Please, no large discussions as they belong to the DISCUSSION BOARD. This forum story is open to small discussions, expressions, and thoughts relevant to the story. Emotional or silly outbursts to actions, dialogues, and revelations are also acceptable, but please keep them at the minimums.

    - Ridiculous links and pictures are NOT okay. Please keep them in discussion thread. Links and pictures that help the players in the story are allowed.

    - In addition, some swearing and cussing and such are allowed since the story content is quite matured and are not intended for young viewers. Please be sure to keep the cussing as that: regular cussing and not as hurtful flames or degrading insults to other users on the forum. These will NOT be tolerated. Same goes for the A ' L L U K I N discussion threads.

    - Explore. Inquire. Discover. And just have fun :D
----> amirite, click CONTINUE. The game resumes...






UH OH. Now what?

Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 6

Posted: 25 Feb 2014 02:44
by - ak -
  • YES!!!

    COMMAND: Run to the place that you thought blew up before, where that guy blew up the Tentagib.
Mr. Officer
  • COMMAND: Wake up.
  • Engineer:

    Stop doing nothing, override the damn cooling alarm and calm everone down.

    Then explain calmly that the ship is going to burn into superheated plasma unless you fix it.

    Quickly ask Quo where the hell the coolant thingy thing is and how you can fix it.
Wayward Raxas
  • Maddox:
Calmly ask Quo where the coolant thingy thing is and how you can fix it.

    Fixing to prevent panics and shock.

Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 6

Posted: 25 Feb 2014 02:49
by - ak -
  • COMMAND: Run to the place that you thought blew up before, where that guy blew up the Tentagib.

    COMMAND: Wake up.

Ener, in extreme state of panic, flees to the place where the Iranch blew up before while Maddox trying to wake up from this nightmare.

Sadly, such attempts are asking for failure.



More like EXTREME FAILURE. Seems like Fling the Fel shut and locked the doors after unleashing her wildcat frenzy and left the team altogether!

  • Engineer:

    Stop doing nothing, override the damn cooling alarm and calm everone down.

    Then explain calmly that the ship is going to burn into superheated plasma unless you fix it.


    Calmly ask Quo where the coolant thingy thing is and how you can fix it.

For reasons unknown, the Engineer never called. WHY???


Quo, why isn't the Engineer calling us or taking care of this?


Don't be asking me! I lack any brains on this issue!


But you do have a brain!


It was a joke! Oh phooey... I presume that the Engineer is having his, her, or its hands full with other matters.


WHAT OTHER MATTERS?!?! Oh fuck it, where is the hell is this coolant thingy?



Oh? Don't tell me...


Ener and I are going down there and fix it ourselves. So where is it?


SECTION E. And you might want a qualified Engineer to fix the coolant systems.


Wooli, you mentioned having an Engineer on your team. Who?


Kal-Ey the Arachnid. She would knows her way around Section E.

Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 6

Posted: 25 Feb 2014 02:50
by - ak -
Wayward Raxas
  • Command: Maddox: Get to Kelen, tell her we need everyone back up and conscious so we can salvage this debacle- especially the arachnid- then ask how you can help.

    Command: Ener: Sit down and calm yourself. Deep breaths and all that.
  • Command: Ener: Sit down and calm yourself. Deep breaths and all that.


After doing this:

    Ship announcement system:

    Suddenly become sentient and scream "OHGODOHGODOHGOD WERE ALL GOING TO DIE!!!"

    Scratch claw marks deep into the wall in panic, making anyone later on looking at the wall freak out for later shenanegains.
Wayward Raxas
  • You're trying to kill us aren't you?
  • No, im trying to cause shenanigains.
. . .

    Also fix this as fast as universally possible excluding consequences.

Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 6

Posted: 25 Feb 2014 06:22
by - ak -
  • Ener:

    Scratch claw marks deep into the wall in panic, making anyone later on looking at the wall freak out for later shenanegains.

Nah. He's done with panic.
Command: Ener: Sit down and calm yourself. Deep breaths and all that.

Much better.
Command: Maddox: Get to Kelen, tell her we need everyone back up and conscious so we can salvage this debacle- especially the arachnid- then ask how you can help.


Thanks, Quo. We will discuss more later. KELEN!


Meet us in Section A if our looming annihilation are averted!




Kelen, we need to get everyone back up so we can...


That's not gonna happen, gusty! I need to patch them up and keep them stabilize after they went through that Claw of Fury. TWICE!!!


Wait, where's Teyri? We need her guidance!


I don't know where she went. Now be quiet and let me help them!


Dammit. Kal-Ey, are you all right?


Thy ask of me? Answer shall be pronounced as "indeed, I am well myself."


All right, listen quick. We need to...


Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 6

Posted: 25 Feb 2014 06:27
by - ak -
Mr. Officer
  • Command: Go into Elevator to check on the smelted drawings.
  • everyone> ignore ship announcement system

    kelen> help people
maddox, ener, arachnid kal-ey, anyone else willing> section E go
  • command:run and panic!!! to section E
  • *forgot to say
ener> ask which way the cat went
Wayward Raxas
  • everyone> ignore ship announcement system

    Command: Maddox: Alright we know you want to, don't snap at the thing or it might start breaking important machinery and programs.

Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 6

Posted: 25 Feb 2014 06:32
by - ak -
  • everyone> ignore ship announcement system
kelen> help people
maddox, ener, arachnid kal-ey, anyone else willing> section E go

    command:run and panic!!! to section E

Everyone are having hard time ignoring the SHIP ANNOUNCEMENT SYSTEM as it continue to sob in fear of losing its mechanical life. Maddox turned to Wooli, hoping to recruit him.


All right, Ener. Kal-Ey. Elevator, now! Wooli, we need your body and weapon and come with us!


Sorry, Mad... but this one isn't willing. The Mister Slug already requested of myself to protect and lead them to Section A.


No way to change your buggy mind?


Now that'ssss a no nice way to name him like...


Talk to the hand, snake. Wooli?



Afraid not. Keep your wings fresh and hopes to see you keeping us alive.


And if you're not fat and slow, then fasssst.


Yeah, thanks. Have Benard to get all channels open in case the Engineer decides to intervene!


Will do.
Command: Go into Elevator to check on the smelted drawings.

ener> ask which way the cat went



Let not waste any more time than we have. Shall we?


WAIT!!! Where's the cute sleepy cat?


Abcsonded after succumbing us under her Claws of Fury. Barred the way behind so thy cat rendered us unable to follow.


I will never understand the Fels... HEY!!! New drawings!


On this sliding door again? Someone been having fun...


Oh. Thy have seen this door, as well? Do thy see the additions one had implemented?




Nay. ADDITIONS. Allow myself to reveal them to thee.




Whaaa thaa heeeck?


Why are they like virus now?


Ah, "The One Who Smiles" as many called them. Thy know who's the author of such craftsmanship?


As if you're calling it "art" now, Ka-Ley. And NO.


Dunno who the freakshow is, either.


A shame. No autographs for me then.


Now I feel so sorry for ya...


Want mine instead? :3

Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 6

Posted: 25 Feb 2014 06:34
by - ak -
  • COMMAND: KAL-EY: ENLIGHTEN us about the ARACHNID vision of ART, and why is fascinates you.
ENER: Give autograph.
  • We've only got 13 and a half minutes left, we can figure out those drawings later

    (In all of my future posts for the alarm sequence I'll be referring to the group of Maddox, Ener, and Kal-ey as "Team Alpha")
Command: Team Alpha: stop wasting time with drawings unless they're absolutely important for the operation and get down that elevator to section E. Time is running out fast yo.

    Maddox: Tell KAL-EY that it was you who did the "The One Who Smiles" figure (art drawing).

    Ener: Ask KAL-EY if he knows anything about what does this "eyes" drawings (wich looks like to Tentagib's head) mean and why they keep appearing.

Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 6

Posted: 25 Feb 2014 06:49
by - ak -
  • COMMAND: KAL-EY: ENLIGHTEN us about the ARACHNID vision of ART, and why is fascinates you.

    ENER: Give autograph.

    Maddox: Tell KAL-EY that it was you who did the "The One Who Smiles" figure (art drawing).

    Ener: Ask KAL-EY if he knows anything about what does this "eyes" drawings (wich looks like to Tentagib's head) mean and why they keep appearing.


Wait, are you the one who did this creepy artwork?


And what's so special about it?


Aside from the patterned repetition throughout multiple settings, not much is known about this symbolism. And no, myself is never the originator of this ethereal-quality beauty.


So before we go deep into the so-called "formal signature", indulge us in your arachnoid viewpoints on the supposed idea of "fine arts."


Oh what location to initiate thy indulgence... it is quite an eon after the Awakening that bestowed the gifts more than instincts to our thine race of octagonal appendages.



From the woven spun of silk and the slow generational evolution into the hall of pigment-laden imagery, our minds are like the threads and pastels. Yet beyond, shall we search into the great echo of our fleshes and souls. Deeper yet we fall, crawl, and climb, the sights and sensations translated and expressed into the molds of silk. A lot one thy can be done with yet a simple tool and material, such is of our silk. Forged are our greatest pieces through mind of silks and property of its purpose, stretching its boundary and beyond its intentions to explore what can be discovered and what cannot.

Master craft-spiders and philosophers, we are. One and all are woven by thinnest of threads, especially true of our fate which all lead to this plane, bounded by threads unseen by our own.


Interesting. So what got you into strict and inflexible field of Engineering?


My job is refreshingly simple.


Isn't that a gosh fucking dammit truth.


And thy furry one, myself accept your offering of thy prints.


YAY! Signing!




So what you think of my Swish-n-swirl?


Say, myself is nigh impressed.


And my life is complete :3



  • Command: Team Alpha: stop wasting time with drawings unless they're absolutely important for the operation and get down that elevator to section E. Time is running out fast yo.


Now that we're together through thick and thin, let create an ultimate team! Wish that Elouf and Quall are here with us...


So what do thine identity seemly deemed proper?


I know just the right code name...




Wait, gawd dammit! We're wasting time with this unnecessary shit…


Oh just take us down already...


OE. Activate lift to Section E.






Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 6

Posted: 26 Feb 2014 01:01
by - ak -
  • Command: Chew the fat during the somewhat long elevator ride down to Section E
@ AK (sidenote): IF you don't know what that means, it's general talk about how they're going to stop this meltdown.
  • Team alpha>keep your inventory open and make all of them ready just to make it quick.. And don't close it until you escape this place or stop the meltdown

    And know/remember about the painting it may be a clue about all of this and the meltdown!!!
Submachine Allocater
  • COMMAND: Team Alpha: In the spirit of fair challenges, be ready for at least a thousand-fold of Tentagibs waiting on the other side.
  • >inventory


    arachnid kal-ey> explain the procedure to stop explosionness
  • Comment:why I didn't think about this sooner...

    Extra command:ener tried to slow down,stop or rewind time without affecting the elevator and maddox and kal-ey.
Ask kal-ey how much thread they can produce per miniute.