But 21/12/2012 is a date in a Christian calendar system. Mayans didn't know who the heck Christ was, or that he even existed, or that they'd start counting time after he was born. They didn't choose that date to mess with people, it's just a pure coincidence.
It isn't like there is some huge calendar written out there that arbitrarily ends
Yes, I do know this. However, I am ignorant of the method used to convert the Mayan dates to the Christian calendar system, otherwise I would have substituted the (21/12/2012) for the Mayan equivalent date.
But either way the 21/12/2012 is the end of the Mayan calender, whether you express the date in the Mayan format or not.
I was also being silly and a little bit facetious... I wasn't expecting such a ridiculously absurd topic to be taken so seriously.