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Re: What are you doing right now?

Post by Anonymous2 »

The whole gun control thing is one big sticky mess. But I speak to people where gun control is enforced, such as Australia and Europe and they say that the mass shootings that happen here, rarely happen there. There is gun crime of course, but its not as rampant as it is here in the United States. And we sit on our asses and wonder why the rest of the world laughs at us.
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Re: What are you doing right now?

Post by Anteroinen »

Yes, but then the culture is different here too and the current gun situation need to be taken care of appropriately, not by copying another country overnight. I mean, I recently read that during the last year the Finnish police force in its entirety shot six bullets and most police officers do not carry guns at all, for instance. America's situation is vastly different and you can't just say: "Yo-ho, guys, let's do that here!"

This I do get. I also get hunting and shooter hobbyists, I even get collectors. I've shot a gun, it is loud and I suck at accuracy, but I get why you'd get a rush from that. What I do not get is people who feel the need to own a gun "for protection". What good is that, if you aren't literally with a gun 24/7? (And if you are, then that sounds like an accident waiting to happen.)
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Re: What are you doing right now?

Post by Jatsko »

That's what gets me too. My dad hunts, and I'm fine with that. But people who say they need a gun for protection might need to get their priorities straight.

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Re: What are you doing right now?

Post by WorldisQuiet5256 »

Anonymous1 wrote:The whole gun control thing is one big sticky mess. But I speak to people where gun control is enforced, such as Australia and Europe and they say that the mass shootings that happen here, rarely happen there. There is gun crime of course, but its not as rampant as it is here in the United States. And we sit on our asses and wonder why the rest of the world laughs at us.
Plus, when the founding Fathers made the 2nd Amendment, the flintlock Rifle was a common household tool. It would provide food for the family sometimes. And I feel there was something better about the flintlock rifle. Probable had something to do with the fact of the reload time, and you had to make sure the shot connected. Moreover, probably also had to do with how long a single Flintlock Rifle took to make.
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Re: What are you doing right now?

Post by - ak - »


My brother has a gun, but he's a veteran and know how to f***ing use it and takes it very seriously. Gun is a nuisance and a hazard, to yourself and other. It needs to be under tighter control because it is so damn easy to go wrong mishandling it today than it is in the past.
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Re: What are you doing right now?


Vurn wrote:i can't believe being straight in the united state is now illegal.
I actualy believe something similar, but on the racial aspect. White people who states that they want to have a relationship with other White person have chance of being blamed, if it instead states it prefers people from other races, its not blamed. And for people that are not White in particular, are never blamed, no matter they racial interest...
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Re: What are you doing right now?

Post by Anonymous2 »

Vurn wrote:i can't believe being straight in the united state is now illegal.
I actualy believe something similar, but on the racial aspect. White people who states that they want to have a relationship with other White person have chance of being blamed, if it instead states it prefers people from other races, its not blamed. And for people that are not White in particular, are never blamed, no matter they racial interest...
Are you saying that whites who don't find blacks attractive are considered racist? But blacks who don't find whites attractive aren't racist? Yeah thats racial politics for our country. Me calling a black guy the n-word is a hate crime, but they can call me just about any word they want to, even attack me just because I am white, and even admit that in the court of law, and do they get charged with a hate crime? Nope.

Yes I've been called a racist before simply because I do not find blacks attractive, actually I do find blacks attractive, but my attraction varies on skin tone. I'm more attracted to lighter blacks, than darker blacks. I don't think its racist at all. I have friends of all sorts of colors.
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Re: What are you doing right now?

Post by WorldisQuiet5256 »

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Re: What are you doing right now?

Post by Vurn »

Anonymous1 wrote:
Vurn wrote:i can't believe being straight in the united state is now illegal. good job america. thanks obama
Good thing I'm not straight.

I'm happy with the decision, but my personal stance on marriage is, I don't see a point to it. I don't believe you need marriage to define love between two people. I was talking to my grandparents who have been together for 40 years, and have never married. As my grandma put it, their relationship has just never gone down the road of marriage, they both feel they don't need a piece of paper to define their love.

I don't know, I'm one of those gay guys who doesn't stick his nose into politics. Like I say to people, I don't like the gay ones who sit there and boycott companies just because they have an anti-gay stance. This is America. If I have the right to be gay, and express myself, I think someone else has the right to be anti-gay and express themselves. But then what I don't tolerate are the anti-gays who incite hatred, ignorance and violence, such as yourself, Vurn.

Maybe if your country and other countries focused on their own problems, without sticking your polish nose into our problems, we would get along better. Just a thought ;)
i'm.. an 'anti-gay' who incites hatred, ignorance and violence and sticks his polish nose into other country's problems? whoa, well, that is one thing you don't hear too often.

i mean, i get it, sarcasm can be hard to distinguish and parse in text, without intonation cues and the context provided by extralinguistic information (even though i thought i had made sure to be overly ironic/sarcastic enough to be well understood (please don't point out the difference between sarcasm and irony to me))

i see it's now all fine and dandy and clear and resolved (and i'm happy about that), but let me still refute the notion that i'm supposedly a homophobe. i am not, alright? alright. i don't know how else to prove it to you. saying how many friends one has that belong to the LGBTQ+* group is already sort of a ridiculed trope ("i'm not a homophobe, i have a gay friend!!1!"). but, the grand majority of my closer friends is either gay or bisexual (or just queer i guess) though, and i am as well. to reiterate, what i said up there was ironic, it was a joke, i truly am happy about the fact marriage equality has been approved in America (consider this 'sticking my nose' into other countries' problems, i don't quite care about that one), and i -am- tolerant and acceptant of LGBTQ+ people, including gays
Anonymous1 wrote:Sarcasm sure, but a really inflammatory kind, and according a blue birdie who emailed me, Vurn has in the past made several homophobic slurs on other communities and also via instant messaging devices...
i honestly have no idea where you're getting that idea from? i don't think i've done that. that said, if i really have done that, i sincerely apologize to anyone i hurt or offended with that, though i really can't quite remember what you might be talking about. possibly something shitty i said when i was a young stupid shitlord. i don't think it really happened tho.

(addendum: Antti has searched the history of the skype chatlog from a few years ago for me, and a few of my posts from like, 2012 include a few posts that could be construed to be homophobic, i suppose. my apology notwithstanding, i find they are rather far more just dumb and downright stupid (christ, they use memes) than actually homophobic. i won't include them here, but, come on, i was like 14, forgive a clueless child, hah. but yeah, sorry for that. (though, really, they're far less homophobic than they could've been, if at all, and still, of rather jocular nature, and not directed at anyone in particular). a few of those do use slurs though, so i apologize for that. but man, it's such a long story, i've changed considerably since. btw that's one 'instant messaging device', not sure what other 'communities' you're talking about still. but as i said, i'm sorry if that hurt anybody).
Anonymous1 wrote:That's hilarious! Are you jealous? Aw poor Vurny, probably in the closet and jealous that Poland doesn't have gay rights and gay marriage.

well to be frank i kind of am rather jealous that the country i live in doesn't have much gay rights, that's true. is that hilarious? i don't know. there's probably a lot of people from a lot of different countries around the world who are really jealous of the standard of life in america, compared the their own, far measlier and poorer situation. but that's getting off the topic and i don't wish to start more fights on this ground.

so yeah, i hope that's all cleared up and all nice now. i would've answered this earlier but i wasn't around on the internet at all these last few days. this is kind of weird though, resurfacing all of a sudden. but yeah, i demand no apology, i've offered my own, irony is commonplace in my idiolect while homophobia isn't. thank you Antti for pointing things out, Anonymous, i hope everything's alright now.

*i know there's plenty of other versions of the abbreviation ranging from LGBT to LGBTQQIAP+ but this seems to be the most common one
TT: I guess one could use those words to describe it.
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Re: What are you doing right now?

Post by The Kakama »

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